Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

It has been said that there exists some 1050 New Testament Commandments – what is the Christian to do concerning obedience that pleases Elohim?

It has been said that there exists some 1050 New Testament Commandments – what is the Christian to do concerning obedience that pleases Elohim?


Christians do NOT chase after letters whether those letters are etched in stone, scratched upon parchment or codified in the Old Covenant or the New Covenant…Christians don’t chase letters because the letter kills but the Spirit gives life; that is, Christians walk daily by the indwelling Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16; John 14:26) and it is He, alone, who enlivens the “spiritual law” written upon the human heart and mates that enlivened spiritual law with the redeemed conscience, the “new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17), and this mating of spiritual law – the redeemed conscience forms a divine catalyst whereby the Spirit produces divine “fruit” (Galatians 5:16-23) through the redeemed in Jesus and this divine fruit fulfills every moral law whether they be codified or spiritual (Galatians 5:23); in fact, you cannot remember all that Jesus taught sufficiently to apply same when confronted with the myriad of moral decisions encounter daily; this work of the Holy Spirit through the redeemed is the ONLY way a man or woman pleases the Father through daily sanctification via obedience to the Holy Spirit, an anointing, divine work, of the Spirit, the Spirit’s work through you that prepares the Father’s children for service in the New Jerusalem. If you were capable of keeping letters sufficiently to please the Father, Jesus died needlessly (Galatians 2:21). It is the Spirit who is glorified through our obedience to His guidance and leadership.

Concerning “bondage”to Sinai and “freedom” through the Holy Spirit (Romans 7:6)

Concerning those in bondage to Sinai and Moses…there is freedom and life in Christianity; this, through faith in Jesus and daily sanctification via the indwelling Holy Spirit (Romans 6:14; 7:6)…


As a Christian, I know Sinai was given solely to Israel’s children for sanctification and eschatological purposes and I know that Sinai is but a mere fragment of my Lord’s comprehensive Spiritual Law that has been extant as an arbiter of free will subsequent the creation of the angels; therefore, I find that in the New Covenant, I’m not under or obligated to Sinai or Moses’ letters but I’m under grace (Romans 6:14) and I don’t live my life pursuing letters etched in stone or scratched upon parchment but I walk daily in sanctification via the indwelling Holy Spirit who enlivens the spiritual law written upon my heart (Romans 2:15-16; 8:2) and mates that law with a redeemed conscience (2 Corinthians 5:17) given through my faith in Jesus and the Spirit produces divine “fruit” (Galatians 5:16-23) through me that fulfills all law, eternally; therefore, I do NOT live daily thinking about, enslaved to or seeking obedience to Sinai or Moses but I live by the Spirit’s guidance and He walks me daily in a manner that glorifies the Father; in this, there is intimacy and divine peace (Romans 5:1).

Perhaps, one day, if you find, accept, receive, Jesus as your Messiah and receive the Holy Spirit as Guarantor of that New Covenant relationship (John 3; Ephesians 1:13-14), you will understand these words and live by the Spirit and not in bondage to letters that only condemn and curse you void atonement (Romans 3:20; Galatians 3:10; 2:16).

Is true love for Elohim expressed by “Keeping the Commandments” or by “Faith”?

Someone said that “True love is keeping the Commandments.” Is this true?


The Commandments don’t espouse “love” but condemnation (Romans 3:20). Faith in the One who embodies the Commandments, the Logos of Elohim (John 1), espouses true love as that faith honors the Father (John 6:29) and engenders New Covenant relationship with Him (John 3) and subsequently engenders obedience through the indwelling Spirit (Galatians 5:16); therefore, the letter kills as it defines man’s culpability void atonement (Romans 3:20); the Spirit gives life through the Son via faith (2 Corinthians 3:6).

Divinely inspired obedience results from true love for the Son, the Father, the Holy Spirit, this, by faith and this engenders obedience inspired by the indwelling Holy Spirit via the production of divine fruit that fulfills all law, divine fruit of the Spirit that methodically fulfills every divine Commandment as there is no law against the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-23).

Yes, Jesus did say “If you love me you will obey my Commandments” (John 14:15) but “love” comes first and true obedience naturally flows through the Holy Spirit given as Guarantor of New Covenant relationship with the Father (Ephesians 1:13-14) as true obedience is NOT possible void the Spirit (Galatians 5:16).

  1. Faith in Jesus that honors the Father (John 6:29).
  2. Receive the indwelling Holy Spirit and walk in obedience to the Spirit’s tutelage in daily sanctification producing fruit that honors the Father’s will (Ephesians 1:13-14; Galatians 5:16).
  3. Live in peace with Elohim, eternally (Romans 5:1).

The Holy Spirit’s purpose within the Realm of Time?

Someone said that the Holy Spirit is a Comforter but does not convict the World of sin. Is this true? What is the purpose of the Holy Spirit?


The Holy Spirit is the Arbiter of free will concerning the human conscience relevant to behavioral discernment; this, pertaining to both the lost and the redeemed as the Spirit is a “restrainer” of evil (2 Thessalonians 2:7); therefore, the Holy Spirit urges humanity toward behaviors that are sustainable and His intercession and work in the life of the Christian is magnified by the Spirit’s indwelling presence given as Guarantor of Covenant through faith in Jesus as Messiah (Ephesians 1:13-14; John 14:16; Galatians 5:16).

It is the seared, corrupted, human conscience, the stubborn and defiled conscience that has repeatedly eschewed the intercession of the Spirit that is given-over to a life of nihilism and defilement; therefore, how can one say that the Holy Spirit plays no role in convicting the individual and the World of sin (Romans 1:18-32)?

The Holy Spirit and Christian sanctification,

Concerning the redeemed in Jesus, it is the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit during daily Christian sanctification as Counselor, Teacher and Tutor (John 14:16; 1 John 2:27) that prepares the Christian for service in the New Jerusalem; therefore, I disagree with you that the Holy Spirit plays no role in convicting the conscience of ungodly conduct as this conviction is the initiation phase of repentance, repentance being essential for salvation concerning the lost and essential for restored intimacy concerning the redeemed in Jesus who inevitably relent to the Adamic sin-nature from time-to-time; hence, the need for John 3 concerning the lost and the need for 1 John 1:9 concerning the redeemed in Jesus.

Void the presence of the Holy Spirit in the World as a Restrainer of evil, human kind would implode in unrestrained narcissism and nihilism; this, as the Holy Spirit is the Logistical overseer of the Creation narrative (Genesis 1:2) and the Divine Restrainer of the Evil One (Galatians 5:16; 2 Thessalonians 2:7); this, for Elohim’s eschatological purposes going forward.

Jesus said,

The Work of the Holy Spirit

“I did not say these things to you from the beginning, because I was with you. 5 But now I am going to him who sent me, and none of you asks me, ‘Where are you going?’ 6 But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart. 7 Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. 8 And when he comes, he will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment: 9 concerning sin, because they do not believe in me; 10 concerning righteousness, because I go to the Father, and you will see me no longer; 11 concerning judgment, because the ruler of this world is judged. The Gospel of John, Chapter 16

What is the purpose of Law? Law of the Spirit v. Law of sin and death; codification.

What is the purpose of Law? What is the difference between the codified Law (law of sin and death) v. the Spiritual Law (law of the Spirit of life) in Romans 8:2?


The purpose of all Law, whether it be codified e.g. Hammurabi – Sinai – Criminal Code (Penal Code) – Civil Code (Administrative) or Spiritual Law (divine law written upon the human heart and arbitrated via the human conscience, Romans 2:14-15) is as an arbiter of free will, law which defines human moral behavior i.e. mores – norms – values that are sustainable; moral behavior that furthers the divine prerogatives for Human Kind relevant to the inalienable rights as granted by our Creator e.g. life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.

Differentiating codified law from spiritual law through application,

Codified laws (a written code) are created in response to the genomic Adamic sin-nature of humanity, a sin-nature possessing the propensity for narcissism, selfishness, pride, arrogance, greed, inordinate affections, inordinate lust, covetousness, all of which are unsustainable behaviors, unsustainable conduct, concerning the welfare, the happiness, the liberty, the sustainability of a social group seeking to exist in an atmosphere of peace, dignity, honor, contentment; this, concerning the whole of the community.

Codified laws define what behavior is sustainable through the “negative” via a definition of what behaviors are NOT sustainable and modern jurisprudence goes to great lengths to provide “elements” that define every behavior that wars against sustainable mores, norms, values, as derived from “natural law” or the Spiritual Law (that law written upon the human heart and arbitrated by human conscience), behaviors “naturally” deemed appropriate thus sustainable for the welfare of the whole of society. It is also true that some codified law is the resultant of trial and error where a society or legislative body determines a particular conduct is not sustainable due to its ultimate destructive, divisive, outcome over time via experiential relevance.

The Codified Law and the lawless in society,

Therefore, the codified law is given for the lawless (1 Timothy 1:9), the antisocial personality, whose conscience is seared, a conscience that is corrupted and not regulated by a natural sense of right and wrong, good and evil, as the Divine “Restrainer” of evil, the Holy Spirit (2 Thessalonians 2:7), is absent in the life of the incorrigible, the rebellious, the narcissist, as they have been given-over to pursue those things, those behaviors, that are not socially sustainable and thus war against life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness relevant to the whole of society (Romans 1:18-32).

Therefore, the codified law, the written code, is given to define what is sustainable behavior through the negative; that is, by defining what behaviors, actions, are NOT sustainable and violate acceptable mores, norms, values and the codified law also articulates the negative consequences (punishment) for participating in this antisocial behavior; hence, the “law of sin and death” (Romans 8:2); therefore, the codified law is the law of condemnation as it defines the culpability of mankind but offers no semblance of hope or atonement for violations of same (Romans 3:20).

It is also relevant and important to note the subjectivity inherit within a written code as the sin-nature of Human Kind goes to great lengths to justify and/or rationalize antisocial behavior via obfuscation/rationalization/the definition of words – subjectivity; therefore, criminal “elements” e.g. mens rea (the guilty mind – “knowingly and willingly or negligently” or actions performed) accompany each individual offense; this, for absolute clarification concerning culpability. How does this written code compare/contrast to the Spiritual Law written upon the human heart?

Finally, the Codified Law and Sinai – Moses,

It’s interesting to note that the Spiritual Law had been in the World working through Human Kind from Adam to Moses and the Spiritual Law convicted the Adamic and Noahic generations (Later – Sodom and Gomorrah) of such defilement that Elohim destroyed all of humanity in judgment by water save eight (Genesis 6; Romans 1:18-32). So why Sinai?

Sinai’s Decalogue etched in stone by Elohim and Moses’ 603-laws scratched upon parchment were codified specifically for sanctification and eschatological purposes concerning Israel’s children as Elohim did NOT desire a repeat of the horrific infidelity displayed by the Adamic/Noahic generations, demonically rooted behavior that thwarted their ability to produce and introduce the Messiah into the World in order to “destroy the works of the Devil” (Genesis 3:15; 1 John 3:8b) via a battle strategy known as the Gospel which was ordained “before Time began” (2 Timothy 1:8-10; Genesis 3:21).

Sinai and Moses’ codified laws, given specifically to Israel’s children and sojourners with them who sought the protective benefits of that theocracy, were but a mere fragment of the comprehensive Spiritual Law written upon the heart of humanity and Sinai and Moses were never intended to be a path to righteousness (a right standing) with Elohim or a path to eternal life in the Kingdom via the forgiveness of sin for if one desired to keep the codified law sufficiently to earn a right standing with Elohim, they were required to keep that codified law in perfect obedience, perfection (James 2:10) which was not possible due the Adamic sin-nature (Romans 5:12); therefore, Sinai and Moses ultimately condemned and cursed anyone seeking righteousness through them (Galatians 3:10; Romans 3:20). From Adam forward, righteousness (a right standing) with Elohim was always predicated upon “faith” (Hebrews 11) and NOT works of the law (Galatians 2:16; Ephesians 2:8-9).

Spiritual Law “Law of the Spirit of Life” (Romans 8:2),

The Spiritual Law, that which is written upon the human heart, infused within the human genome on Day-6 of creation, has been relevant as an arbiter of free will subsequent the creation of the angels. The Spiritual Law or the “Law of the Spirit of Life” (Romans 8:2), the eternal law, defines what is divine law through the positive; that is, the Law of the Spirit of Life motivates and articulates what behaviors and attributes fulfill the righteousness, divine mandates i.e. sustainable behavior as they relate to the holiness and righteousness of our Creator, Elohim, and against these sustainable, holy, righteous, behavior’s (fruit of the Spirit) there is no law (Galatians 5:16-23).

The New Covenant and the Spiritual Law,

It is the Spiritual Law, written upon the human heart on Day-6 of creation, infused within the human genome by Elohim, that is integral with Human Kind having been created in the likeness of Elohim thereby possessing certain divine communicable attributes of our Creator (Genesis 1:26-28). The Spiritual Law written upon the human heart is but one of these divine communicable attributes provided by Elohim for His eschatological purposes going forward.

In the New Covenant, established in Messiah’s blood at Golgotha (Matthew 26:28), it is the Spiritual Law that is employed by the indwelling Holy Spirit who is given by Covenant promise to the redeemed in Jesus (Ephesians 1:13-14; Ezekiel 36:22; Jeremiah 31); it is the Spiritual Law in combination with the redeemed conscience of the faithful in Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17) that the righteous mandates of the “Law of the Spirit of Life” are fulfilled during daily sanctification as the Holy Spirit methodically prepares the redeemed in Jesus for service in the New Jerusalem; this, as the one who “walks by the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16) is methodically guided by the Spirit when confronted by any number of moral, ethical, decisions made during one’s daily life; it is the indwelling Holy Spirit who urges the redeemed toward righteousness via the redeemed conscience; this, through an enlivened sense of discernment and wisdom via an enlivened and applicable Spiritual Law.

When one honors the Holy Spirit in daily sanctification and allows the Spirit to produce divine “fruit” (Galatians 5:22-23) through them, they obey every Commandment, every edict, that pleases the Father, the Son and the Spirit, eternally, and this fruit will reap rewards at the BEMA Judgment of Messiah Jesus (1 Corinthians 3:13-15). Jesus did say “You will know them by their fruit” (Matthew 7:15-20).

In closing,

Therefore, in the New Covenant of grace, the sin-nature of mankind is moderated-mitigated by the presence of the indwelling Holy Spirit via a New Nature (2 Corinthians 5:17) that wars with the old Adamic sin-nature (Romans 7:14-25) and grace/forgiveness via the imputation of Messiah’s righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 8:12) is provided by the Father so that the defiled conscience is mitigated, liberated, by the “new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17) having been “born again” by faith in Messiah Jesus (John 3:3-5); therefore, peace with the Father is realized through faith in Jesus (Romans 5:1) and redeemed mankind is freed from the consequences of the written code by grace (Romans 6:14) and is therefore able to live in harmony with Elohim and walk in a manner that pleases Elohim via the production of “divine fruit” during daily sanctification; divine fruit, against which there are no laws as this divine fruit defines the very nature of our Holy and Righteous Creator and His will for humanity as well as His will for His cherished angelic creation (Galatians 5:22-23; Romans 8:1-9).

How does one please God and glorify Him in this life?

How does one please Elohim and glorify Him in this life constrained by Time and physics?

Elohim provides humanity one Way to please Him through obedience. First, comply with His will concerning the Son, Jesus our Messiah, and “believe in the One He has sent” into the World to provide you blood atonement for your sin (John 6:29); then, receive the indwelling Holy Spirit as eternal Guarantor of Covenant with the Father (Ephesians 1:13-14) and walk in obedience to the Spirit’s tutelage and anointing (Galatians 5:16) thereby producing “fruit” against which there is no law as the “fruit of the Spirit” fulfills all law (Galatians 5:22-23). This is the only Way to please Elohim in this Life constrained by Time and physics (John 14:6).

What is the “process” of Biblical Regeneration (the second birth)?

Someone said: “Justification is instantaneous. Salvation is a process.” Is this true? What is the “process” of Biblical regeneration (the second birth)?


Subjugation – Procrastination

From the womb, humanity enters a World constrained by Time and physics, a World in subjugation to the god of this World, Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4; John 12:31). Every man, woman, child, begins their Earthly journey subjugated to the Adamic sin-nature and the ruler of this World, Satan (John 12:31); unfortunately, “many” will perish as subjects of Satan due procrastination (Matthew 7:13-14) as the Holy Spirit, the divine “Restrainer” of evil (2 Thessalonians 2:7), methodically works through the human conscience to convict the soul-spirit of humanity concerning their need for forgiveness of sin and righteousness (a right standing) with their Creator; therefore, all of humanity that rejects the call of the Spirit will be “without excuse” as they stand in the Judgement of the Condemned, are adjudicated guilty and perish in the “second death” in Hell; this, as their self-righteousness, their arrogance, their sin, cannot enter the Kingdom of Elohim (Romans 1:20; Revelation 20:11-15; Revelation 21:27).

Salvation – Redemption

Salvation from the “second death” in Hell; Redemption – having been purchased with a price – mankind’s sin-debt paid by Jesus via blood atonement at Golgotha are instantaneous divine gifts of grace provided a man or woman at the moment one “believes” that Jesus is Messiah who died for them as they are sealed by the indwelling Holy Spirit who is the Guarantor of New Covenant relationship with the Father (John 3; Ephesians 1:13-14).


Justification i.e. to be declared righteous (possessing a right standing with Elohim) is integral with Salvation and concurrent (manifests jointly with salvation) because our Justification comes through faith in Jesus who justifies (imparts righteousness to) the ungodly by faith at salvation; therefore, Salvation and Justification run concurrently (Romans 5:1; 2 Corinthians 5:21).


It is sanctification (the setting apart for Elohim’s purposes) that is a daily process in the life of the redeemed in Jesus as the Holy Spirit methodically works through the redeemed conscience (2 Corinthians 5:17) via the law written upon the heart to produce divine fruit (Galatians 5:16 -23) that honors Elohim, eternally; the daily process of sanctification continues throughout the life of the redeemed in Jesus while they are constrained by Time and physics. Sanctification is performed by the indwelling Holy Spirit who prepares the redeemed in Jesus for service in the New Jerusalem.


Finally, glorification, concerning the redeemed in Jesus, will manifest at the resurrection of the righteous who will receive a “glorified” body likened to the glorified resurrected body of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:21); a glorified body that is freed from the Adamic sin-nature, a resurrected, glorified, body that possesses the capability of true worship with the ability to infinitely discern the holiness and beauty and majesty of our Creator Whom we will serve in the New Jerusalem, forever.

The Deity of Messiah and your eternal destiny…

The Deity of Messiah Jesus and your eternal destiny…

Anyone who rejects, denies, the Deity of Messiah Jesus does not possess the indwelling Holy Spirit and they are therefore not redeemed by faith (Ephesians 1:13-14) and they therefore remain in their sin and will perish in Hell.

The primary differentiation between those existing in a religion of death and the redeemed in Jesus by faith is the knowledge and the confession that Jesus is Elohim. The knowledge of Messiah’s deity is NOT an element of salvation but this knowledge is a divine revelation provided the redeemed by the indwelling Holy Spirit during the daily process of sanctification. There is no equivocation or ambiguity concerning Messiah’s Deity in the life of the true Christian. 

There are no theological exceptions to this truism, the one who denies Messiah’s deity is NOT in New Covenant relationship with the Father and they will not enter the Kingdom subsequent death of the body. The knowledge of Messiah’s Deity is not the resultant of some “Hellenization” or servitude to the cult of Roman Catholicism as alleged via obfuscation by those dying in their sin in unbelief, but the knowledge of Jesus’ Deity and the confession of same is an immutable theological element of true Christianity.