Tag Archives: christian and law

Concerning “Perfect Faith” through works…what is the Truth?

Concerning “perfected faith” through works…what is the Truth?


To those legalists who mock my position of salvation by grace through faith (noun) apart from works, you’re theologically corrupted. 

No need to be “sorry”…just get your theology squared away and trust fully in Jesus and His suffering on your account for salvation, not yourself or your works. There is no “perfected faith” in humanity other than that faith which engenders New Covenant relationship with the Father by faith (noun) in the Son and the “perfection” of faith is only relevant due the Father’s grace who accepts our flawed faith as perfect faith for His eschatological purposes.  

Breaking NEWS:

The creation of the Heavens and the Earth and the complex human genome do not find their relevance in humanity but in Elohim’s perfect eschatological will concerning the defeat of Satan and the fallen angles (1 John 3:8b); humanity is but a player in that struggle via the Gospel of Jesus Christ ordained “before Time began” (2 Timothy 1:8-9); therefore, know your lowly position in the Realm of Time and concede to the Father’s eschatological imperatives lest you become haughty and arrogant and self-righteous. 

You are filthy flesh who is offered imputed perfection by grace in response to faith (noun) in the PERFECT Messiah. You can’t earn it, you don’t deserve it, but Elohim’s grace is sufficient for the one willing to “believe” and “trust” in Jesus as blood atonement for sin.  

It is the “new creation” in Messiah (2 Corinthians 5:17) that walks by the anointing of the indwelling Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16) and allows the Spirit to work through them via the production of divine “fruit” (Galatians 5:22-23) which fulfills all law and all righteous works…this is NOT a work of the flesh but of the Spirit; a divine work that glorifies the Father, not ourselves (John 15:8).

How were people in the Old Testament saved from death in Hell?

How were people in the Old Testament saved from death in Hell?


All of humanity, from Adam to this very day, were and are saved by “faith,” alone (Hebrews 11). Faith internalized; that is, “believing” Elohim is the One true Creator and that Elohim is faithful to do all that He has promised.

It is written,

What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter? 2 If, in fact, Abraham was justified by works, he had something to boast about—but not before God. 3 What does Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Romans 4:1-3 (Genesis 15:6)

Why was Messiah Jesus necessary?

Jesus’ divine incarnation, the hypostatic union of deity and humanity (Philippians 2:5-11), was essential in order that mandated sinless blood atonement be made manifest for the purification of sin (Leviticus 17:11; Hebrews 10; Matthew 26:28) thereby permitting access to the Kingdom subsequent death of the body in Time (2 Corinthians 5:8); that is, “nothing impure” will ever enter the Kingdom (Rev 21:27); therefore, those who perished in death of the body prior to Messiah’s sacrificial blood atonement, these Old Testament saints, having died in faith, awaited Messiah’s atoning sacrifice for the purification of sin while detained in Sheol-Paradise (Luke 16; Psalm 16:10). Subsequent Messiah’s blood sacrifice, these Old Testament saints were escorted out of Sheol-Paradise into the Kingdom (Ephesians 4:7-10; Luke 23:43).

Faith (noun) has always been the KEY to Elohim’s heart and personal intimacy, righteousness, with Him; this, relevant to all Old Testament and New Testament men and women having attained an age of accountability. Jesus is the divine “Door” (John 10:9-16) to the Kingdom for all who “believe” by “faith” that He, alone, is Messiah who died for the sins of the whole World (John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19; 1 John 2:1-2).

Saved by faith, alone? (Romans 4:4-5)

Saved by faith, alone? (Romans 4:4-5)


If salvation is a reality in your life by faith, alone…works that substantiate, validated, authenticate, that saving faith will be produced through you by the indwelling Holy Spirit as “fruits of the Spirit”….it is by these fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-23) that the Father is glorified and evidence of your salvation is made manifest to the World. All law (spiritual and codified) is observed and obeyed through the production of Spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:23).

You are saved from the “second death” in Hell by faith (noun) alone….that saving faith (noun) is evidenced by faith (verb) that produces fruit as a result of the indwelling Holy Spirit who is gifted everyone who believes that Jesus is Messiah; this, by faith (noun) (Ephesians 1:13-14; Galatians 2:16).

It has been said that there exists some 1050 New Testament Commandments – what is the Christian to do concerning obedience that pleases Elohim?

It has been said that there exists some 1050 New Testament Commandments – what is the Christian to do concerning obedience that pleases Elohim?


Christians do NOT chase after letters whether those letters are etched in stone, scratched upon parchment or codified in the Old Covenant or the New Covenant…Christians don’t chase letters because the letter kills but the Spirit gives life; that is, Christians walk daily by the indwelling Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:16; John 14:26) and it is He, alone, who enlivens the “spiritual law” written upon the human heart and mates that enlivened spiritual law with the redeemed conscience, the “new creation” (2 Corinthians 5:17), and this mating of spiritual law – the redeemed conscience forms a divine catalyst whereby the Spirit produces divine “fruit” (Galatians 5:16-23) through the redeemed in Jesus and this divine fruit fulfills every moral law whether they be codified or spiritual (Galatians 5:23); in fact, you cannot remember all that Jesus taught sufficiently to apply same when confronted with the myriad of moral decisions encounter daily; this work of the Holy Spirit through the redeemed is the ONLY way a man or woman pleases the Father through daily sanctification via obedience to the Holy Spirit, an anointing, divine work, of the Spirit, the Spirit’s work through you that prepares the Father’s children for service in the New Jerusalem. If you were capable of keeping letters sufficiently to please the Father, Jesus died needlessly (Galatians 2:21). It is the Spirit who is glorified through our obedience to His guidance and leadership.

Liberal v. Conservative; Left v. Right; Democrat v. Republican; Satan v. Jesus; Evil v. Good…nothing has changed down through history…

Liberal v. Conservative; Left v. Right; Democrat v. Republican; Satan v. Jesus; Evil v. Good…nothing has changed down through history…


Conservatives – Christians clamor and fret and worry over our fallen World and the Nation of America that is leading the way to Hell yet we fail to understand that all we see is nothing more than a modernized reiteration of what has manifest in response to an angelic coup d’etat initiated by a rebellious, anointed, cherub angel, a coup d’etat waged against Elohim that is foundational to the creation of matter, Time, physics, the human genome, the Heavens and this temporary Earth as a temporary repository for that angelic coup.

America’s Democrat – Progressive Party is NOTHING new or novel within the Realm of Time as these people are the demonic seed of the Adamic and Noahic generations that were annihilated by water save eight…same people, same servitude to the pagan god of Molech (child sacrifice – abortion) and Baal (sexual immorality identified in this current generation as LGBTQAI++).

Nothing new or novel to see here people…just a hoard of demons and the demonically possessed having methodically infused America’s posterity with their wickedness and vileness celebrated as “freedom” via atheism and secular humanism and abortion and sexual perversion.

America’s enemies are the Party of Darkness i.e. Progressive-Democrats-Marxists and their attributes are insolence, rebellion, arrogance, ignorance and moral defilement and they will proliferate, procreate, until that Day; therefore, as America dies in Hell do not be dismayed, those who belong to Messiah Jesus are not yet HOME (Hebrews 13:14-16).

“O you who love the LORD, hate evil! He preserves the lives of his saints; he delivers them from the hand of the wicked.” Psalm 97:10 (ESV)

Elohim’s sovereignty; Elohim’s perfect eschatological will for Time & Eternity and your “free will.” Contradiction or Divine Omnipotence?

Elohim’s sovereignty; Elohim’s perfect eschatological will for Time & Eternity and your “free will.” Contradiction or Divine Omnipotence?


Elohim’s divine will and perfect sovereignty references His eschatological plan for Time, Eternity i.e., the destruction of Satan’s works via Messiah (1 John 3:8b), but the free will of humanity is also relevant by necessity concerning authentic intimacy with Elohim; therefore, Elohim allows His created beings, both angelic and human, to “choose” their path and whom they will serve; mankind, constrained by Time and physics in a body of decaying flesh chooses daily servitude to Jesus or servitude to Satan; it is through Elohim’s omnipotence that He works through and around your free will decisions, your daily choices, to accomplish His perfect eschatological will.

Elohim’s eschatological plan for Time and Eternity; that is, the restoration of holiness and peace to His Kingdom usurped by an anointed rebellious Cherub, will NOT be stymied by the unfaithfulness of Human Kind but Elohim methodically works His perfect will through those possessing a heart that desires intimacy with Him.

America’s Manifest Destiny?

America’s Manifest Destiny?

Please don’t be naive or passively ignorant concerning America as a dying Constitutional Republic. America is on life-support and She will not survive as a Constitutional Republic because Her heart, Her children, their heart and mind and soul, have been methodically abducted by the demonic i.e., the Progressive – Marxist Agenda.

Beginning with Progressive John Dewey, the Father of Modern Education, America’s children have been incrementally, methodically, brainwashed via public education to become faithful servants of Satan and Satan’s proteges, Karl Marx and Charles Darwin. Progressives via historical revisionism and evolutionary theory have destroyed the essential foundations of America’s Constitution via revisionist history and a rejection of Jesus as Messiah through evolutionary theory forced upon American students as a “biological science.” When you teach children that they are the descendants of apes while simultaneously mocking the Genesis narrative, why are we surprised when America’s citizens conduct themselves as apes via atheism, secular humanism?

The moral and ethical rot that flows freely from America’s institutions of “education” is just now bubbling to the surface for all to see but do not be naive, America is a rotting corpse and that odor that flows from a Democrat – a Progressive – a Marxist is the odor of Hell and our posterity is destined to suffer horribly.

Many place their faith in Donald Trump as the savior of our Constitutional Republic and I support President Trump’s valiant efforts as well but understand that even if President Trump is victorious over the demons of the Democrat Party in November of 2024, President Trump will only be a human “band-aid” on a hemorrhaging artery and a body of people who have sold their soul to Satan and that body is presently in an advanced state of decay and moral rot.

Again, America’s posterity will suffer horrifically and America’s “men” and the Christian Church have no one to blame but themselves for not eradicating the metastatic malignancy of demonic Progressivism before same abducted our children and molded them into servants of Satan.

How does one please Elohim in the New Covenant?

How does one please Elohim in the New Covenant?


If one desires to honor all LAW…they must first comply with the Father’s will by “believing in the One He has sent into the World” to provide humanity atonement for sin (John 6:29) and then receive the indwelling Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:13-14) as Guarantor of New Covenant promise, the Holy Spirit who enlivens the spiritual law written upon the human heart and the Spirit produces divine fruit through them during daily Christian sanctification that honors and complies with all LAW, both spiritual and codified (Galatians 5:16-23).

The New Covenant is NOT about Torah Law or Sinai or Moses or Days or Diets (Galatians 2:16; Romans 6:14; 2 Corinthians 3)….the New Covenant is about intimate relationship with Elohim through faith in the Son, Jesus our Messiah, and sanctification through the Spirit via the production of divine fruit (Galatians 5:16).

What did Jesus mean when He said: “Heaven and Earth shall pass away, but my words shall never pass away”? Matthew 24:35

What did Jesus mean when He said: “Heaven and Earth shall pass away but my words shall never pass away”? Matthew 24:35


Heaven and Earth will pass away, they are temporary (2 Peter 3:7; Rev 21:1) but Elohim’s words, His spiritual law, has been relevant as an arbiter of free will subsequent the creation of the angels; therefore, Elohim’s words will NEVER pass away (Matthew 24:35) as Jesus is the divine Logos, Word of Elohim, Eternal (John 1) and free will remains extant in Eternity by necessity.

The Sinai Commandments, the codified law – Torah Law, were eschatological in motive and temporary in nature. Sinai was given Moses and Israel’s children due Elohim’s concerns relevant to a repeat of the failures likened to that of the Adamic and Noahic generations; two generations of wicked defilement, a demonically possessed people who thwarted their ordination as progenitors of the Messiah due their compromise with demonic paganism (Genesis 6:5); consequently, Elohim provided Israel’s children a codified edition of His spiritual law, a fragmented portion of the spiritual law etched in stone, scratched upon parchment, as divine instructions as to how Israel was to be holy as He is Holy (Exodus 19:6) and how Israel would shun the enticements of the pagan tribes around them who relentlessly sought Israel’s compromise with the pagan gods; namely, Baal and Molech (Exodus 20:3-5); a demonic compromise that would have also thwarted Israel’s ordination as progenitors of the Messiah as promised through Abraham (Genesis 12:3b).

Sinai was given specifically to Israel’s children and those who sought refuge in that theocracy under LAW. Sinai and Moses have passed…their intent is fulfilled in Messiah and Messiah’s defeat of Satan’s works at Golgotha via a Gospel that was ordained “before Time began” (1 John 3:8b; 2 Timothy 1:8-10); therefore, anyone who belongs to the Father via faith in the Son is NOT under Law but under Grace (Romans 6:14) and the Holy Spirit is the Christian’s “divine Law” through daily sanctification via “fruits of the Spirit” produced through the anointing of the Spirit’s work through the redeemed servants of Messiah (Galatians 5:16-23); in this, the Father is glorified (John 15:8).

Jesus fulfilled the Law – what does this mean for those who honor Him as Messiah?

Jesus fulfilled the Law…so what does this mean for those who honor Him as Messiah?


Jesus fulfilled the Law just as He said in v.17 of Matthew 5…He is the only One genomically capable of accomplishing same as Jesus circumvented the Adamic sin-nature via the virgin birth (Romans 5:12; Matthew 1:23).

Jesus kept the Law for us, He fulfilled it and He offers us His righteousness, His perfection, gifted-imputed into our life when we trust in Him as our Messiah (2 Corinthians 5:21) and consequently the Father deems us “not guilty” by New Covenant promise (Hebrews 8:12) and the Father guarantees this promise by Gifting the redeemed in Jesus with the Holy Spirit who is Guarantor of New Covenant promise, forever (Ephesians 1:13-14).

IT IS NOT our righteousness or servitude to Torah, Sinai, Moses, days or diets that makes us “right” with Elohim but it is by grace, a divine gift in response to faith (Ephesians 2:8-9), that engenders New Covenant with the Father (Hebrews 10) and we honor the Father subsequent faith in Messiah through obedience to the indwelling Spirit (Galatians 5:16) who enlivens the “spiritual law” written upon our heart; this, in combination with the “new creation” in Messiah; a “new creation” having manifest via a redeemed conscience (2 Corinthians 5:17) and it is the indwelling Spirit who “works” and produces “fruit” through us, divine fruit – against which there is no Law (Galatians 5:22-23) as this divine fruit fulfills ALL LAW; both, Spiritual and Codified; consequently, this New Covenant reality has absolutely NOTHING to do with Sinai or Moses or Torah but is rooted in a Gospel ordained “before Time began” (Romans 6:14; 2 Timothy 1:8-10).