Tag Archives: Divine Sovereignty and Free Will

Elohim’s sovereignty; Elohim’s perfect eschatological will for Time & Eternity and your “free will.” Contradiction or Divine Omnipotence?

Elohim’s sovereignty; Elohim’s perfect eschatological will for Time & Eternity and your “free will.” Contradiction or Divine Omnipotence?


Elohim’s divine will and perfect sovereignty references His eschatological plan for Time, Eternity i.e., the destruction of Satan’s works via Messiah (1 John 3:8b), but the free will of humanity is also relevant by necessity concerning authentic intimacy with Elohim; therefore, Elohim allows His created beings, both angelic and human, to “choose” their path and whom they will serve; mankind, constrained by Time and physics in a body of decaying flesh chooses daily servitude to Jesus or servitude to Satan; it is through Elohim’s omnipotence that He works through and around your free will decisions, your daily choices, to accomplish His perfect eschatological will.

Elohim’s eschatological plan for Time and Eternity; that is, the restoration of holiness and peace to His Kingdom usurped by an anointed rebellious Cherub, will NOT be stymied by the unfaithfulness of Human Kind but Elohim methodically works His perfect will through those possessing a heart that desires intimacy with Him.