Tag Archives: religion

Atheist: Why not simply prove the absence of our Creator?

Atheist – Secular Humanist, why not simply employ “naturalism” and prove the absence of a Creator and let’s rid ourselves of “religion” and the much-despised Christianity and the Church?

Commonsense, void a crippling obsession with satiating one’s penis or vulva in aberrant pleasure, tells us that the supernatural Universe which encompasses us, permeates us, 24/7/365 possesses the divine earmarks of “design” and purpose – and – commonsense uninterrupted by the proclivities of self-righteousness, arrogance, hedonism, narcissism e.g., atheism/secular humanism tells us that this unfathomable “design” must be under girded by an omnipotent Designer who is most probably existing outside the constraints of Time and physics; therefore, commonsense tells us that if a Designer exists and the complexity of that design (the human genome for example) most likely emanates from a supernatural design that said Designer would be remiss if He, She, It, They, did not reveal them self, themselves, to those “created” and in conjunction with that revelation provide logical reasoning for having created the supernatural “creation” that engulfs us 24/7/365.

If one is honest and they perform a diligent search for that “Creator” there exists only ONE-SOURCE where a Creator has not only identified “Himself” but He has also thoroughly explained the who, what, where, when, why, concerning His creation; that source, the “Canon of Scripture.” In fact, our Creator has told the atheist, the secular humanist, the unbeliever, that He exists and that their denial of His existence is foolish (Psalms 14:1) because He has clearly revealed Himself through what He has made in nature and placed before our eyes (Romans 1:20), a supernatural creation which cannot be duplicated by created beings constrained by Time and physics; furthermore, our Creator has entered the Realm of Time and walked among us for 33.5-years in the form of a man named Messiah Jesus and He has clearly proclaimed that Elohim is One, our Creator, and that anyone seeking peace and intimacy with Him must enter that relationship through “faith” in the Son, Jesus our Messiah who died for them as Messiah Jesus defeated the works of Satan at Golgotha (John 3; 1 John 3:8b)…our Creator exists.

If the atheist is so sure that our Creator does NOT exist, why not bring forth a valid explanation, causation, reasoning, for what confronts us daily in nature using a naturalistic explanation so that we can rid ourselves of “religion” and the much-despised Christianity and the Church and pursue moral relativism void conscience with uninhibited pleasure?

If our Creator does not exist, why not prove His, Her, Its, absence to a believing-faithful segment of the World so that their desires and efforts to constrain their behavior via conformity to sustainable morality might be proven irrelevant and let’s all pursue moral relativism because “if it feels good, do it;” after all, tomorrow we die and nihilism is our deity and life really means nothing in summation of all things?

Faith: Christianity v. Religion

FAITH: Christianity v. Religion

Religion, theologically speaking, is not based in faith…Religions like Islam, Judaism, Catholicism, are based in a works doctrine where the individual seeks a relationship with a particular deity via self-righteousness, efforts to conform to a set of rules or laws sufficiently in order to ingratiate themselves with said deity.

Christianity is the only “faith based” system in existence that teaches the truism that Human Kind is not capable of working or striving sufficiently to please Elohim (Genesis 1:1); this, due the Adamic sin-nature (Romans 5:12) but that Elohim, Himself, provides the Path to intimate relationship with Him through selfless love demonstrated by Messiah Jesus on a Roman Cross some 2000-years ago (John 3:16).

There are also demonically-rooted “religions” such as Atheism, Darwinism-Evolution and Secular Humanism which also display great “faith” in that they tout a rejection of any deity yet believe that all things present within the Realm of Time, all things present in nature, manifest from nothing which exploded…this is the greatest “faith” of all.

Christianity and Civil War in America?

Christianity and Civil War in America?

Subsequent the Progressive insanity introduced by John Dewey (Circa 1880) known as “The Father of Modern Education,” America has been on an incremental, methodical, path to atheist-secular humanist Hell via Progressive-Marxist initiatives secreted into the public education system of the United States. The Soviet Union’s GRU/KGB and America’s Intel agencies facilitated America’s fall into vile Marxism subsequent World War-2 via Hollywood; Media; Print Media. The catalyst that surged Marxist-Progressive demonic initiatives into America’s mainstream was the removal of Jesus and prayer from the public school classrooms via demonic motives of radical atheists like Madalyn Murray O’Hair and their High Court successes like Engel v. Vitale (1962).

One year later, 1963, the focal point of Progressive-Marxist strategies to warp and forever blind the minds of American youth was the forced integration of Darwin’s demonic theory of Evolution into the American classroom, an atheistic-demonic “religion of secular humanism” masked as a “biological science.” In the history of Human Kind, there has been no greater progenitor of atheism-secular humanism among the World’s children than Darwin and Evolutionary Theory which directly attacks the Biblical Genesis Narrative.

That same year, the “Mental Health Act of 1963” was implemented which inadvertently shuttered state-run, state-financed, insane asylums in lieu of a liberal – Progressive failed attempt to make mental health a community project void adequate funding; consequently, the mentally insane, the demonically possessed-atheists/secular humanist/sexually perverted-violent addicts were emptied onto the streets of America’s major municipalities to freely wander in their demonic psychosis’. America’s jails and prisons subsequently became surrogates for the shuttered state insane asylums and their demonically possessed populations and the penal system has proven to be a shameful, impotent and disgusting failure; this, due the mindless liberal “do-gooder” mentality which denies the Biblical Adamic sin-nature and its pervasive destructiveness.

Subsequent the horrors of 1963, America blindly removed the sin of homosexuality from the American Psychiatric Association’s DSM in 1973 along with the passage of Roe v. Wade (1973) both of which were the demonic root of uninhibited Progressive sexual perversion and infanticide AKA abortion on demand. America has subsequently given-way to the Adamic sin-nature (Romans 5:12) almost completely unencumbered by a conscience that was, in times past, constrained by the indwelling Holy Spirit and simple common decency i.e., commonsense morality.

Today, America is a seething cesspool of atheists-secular humanists, unconscionable-unfathomable sexual perversion collaborating as members of the Democrat Party-Progressive Party ; this, directly attacking America’s children with pornography and perverts in their classrooms and libraries – drag queen story hour while demonic drag queens hump and bump in the faces of preschool and elementary age children; American “women” in the streets of our large municipalities demanding a “right” to murder their babies void consequence; blatant celebrations of Marxism-Progressivism-demonic Islam in the streets; a celebration of Islamic terrorism – a surge in antisemitism – a prolific hatred for America, Biblical values-Conservatism, America’s Constitutional Republic and America’s founding and Her Founders; an open and celebrated HATE for Elohim – Jesus Christ, the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, Christianity; a hatred for sustainable conservative American values, mores, norms, the love of our Creator and moral obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Christianity and Civil War in America?

It is obvious that America requires a second Civil War to completely eradicate the destructive, unsustainable, Democrat-Progressive-Marxist ideology that has polluted our society and done irrevocable harm but the question is…is the Christian fighting against Elohim’s eschatological will; that is, the Holy Spirit has clearly articulated the fact that our society would manifest into the demonic in the last days (2 Timothy 3) and the Holy Spirit via Messiah Jesus has told us of the great falling away (Matthew 10, 24).

The prophets have told us that Jerusalem, Israel will be the “center of the Earth” concerning Her eschatological relevance and that in the Day of our Lord the demonically influenced Nations of Russia-China-Iran/Islam would engage with Jerusalem, Israel in a nuclear war (Ezekiel 38-39; Zechariah 14; Revelation 1-22), a Nuclear conflict that is also known as Armageddon or the Tribulation as articulated by Jesus to the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos in 90AD; and we know that Israel will be completely abandoned by the World due a demonic surge of antisemitism and NO NATION will possess the capacity or the will to ally with Israel in any effective, significant way; this, including the United States which will have been relegated to a 3rd-World status monetarily, militarily, ethically, morally, sociologically; therefore, though the American Christian Patriot desperately desires to take-up arms against the Progressive-Marxist demonic enemy in America today, are we actually fighting against the immutable eschatological will of Elohim concerning Israel’s place in the Tribulation, Messiah’s 2nd-Advent to Mount Olivet and the Millennial Kingdom?

For me personally, as a Christian Patriot I consider the Marxist-Progressive-Democrat-Atheist-Secular Humanist a vile enemy of my Lord and my soul, America’s Constitutional Republic and especially America’s posterity; therefore, their forced eradication or deportation or confinement in a mental institution is absolutely essential but again, am I fighting against my Lord’s eschatological plan; if so, may He have mercy on my soul in that Day but I say “let’s do this!” President Trump, Congress…all the American Patriot requires is some form of legitimacy and an ounce of coordination…we can and will cleanse America once again of Democrat fascism and tyranny.

The Atheist: Hypocritical Bullies; Abusive-pretentious servants of Satan

As a Christian who has debated the atheist for YEARS, I can only quietly giggle in anger when I receive rebuttal from the demonically led atheist that my Christianity is inferior because I don’t play by their rule; that is, I’m not the meek and mild Christian victim of their ludicrous demonic religious mockery and hatred; I tell the atheist the uncomfortable Truth; that is, they are dying in their sin (John 8:24), their lives in atheism are nothing more than nihilistic impotency and lest they repent and trust in Jesus they will suffer horrifically as they approach the “second death” in Hell due their rejection of Messiah Jesus for the forgiveness of sin (John 3; Revelation 20:11-15).  

I do consider the atheist a sissified, self-endowed, ignorant fool and if one is repulsed by that character summation all one must do to acknowledge the truism that atheists are spiritually dead, cognitively handicapped, servants of Satan is sit quietly for a few minutes and absorb their demonic rhetoric as they dehumanize and insult and mock a Christian seeking to share with them the Truth of Scripture, the Gospel. 

Atheists are bully tyrants, fascists, in a demonic religion of ha-te – sexual perversion – infanticide – Marxism – Progressivism. I do not recommend a Christian, one that adheres to Paul’s admonition to Timothy (2 Timothy 2:25); that is, to rebut critics of Christianity with “meekness and gentleness” to engage the demonic atheist…it’s not worth the injury to your obedient and loving soul but I know the atheist, they are sissified bullies…so let’s do this!

You sissified bully atheists in this forum…I have noticed over time how you treat Christians, especially @JustSayin…shame on you hypocrites as you gag at a gnat and swallow a camel.

Rick Holtsclaw

Christianity v. Atheism; Conservative v. Progressive; just a simple difference in social programming?

As one who loves, adores, worships, Jesus our Messiah, Elohim the Father and Elohim the Holy Spirit, I discuss atheists, progressives, democrats, Marxists, LGBTQ perverts, abortionists and denote these as EVIL people at their core…these are those who murder babies in the womb and fight and clamor and demonstrate for the perceived “right” to mutilate babies at ANY point of gestation; these are the people who fight and clamor and pollute our society with the most vile of sexual perversion and then mandate their mental and spiritual illness be forced upon our children in public schools; sick and perverse trans drag queens humping in the face of children and demanding they chant their demonic lyrics, these arrogant sexual demons force their demonic culture upon our families, our weak church congregations and administrations…these are Marxists who hate America, our freedoms, our Christianity, they hate Israel and advocate for Islamic terrorism and terrorists…the atheist – secular humanist – democrat – progressive are a vile and demonic people who do NOT deserve the goodness America offers nor are they worthy of the sacrifices made by our fallen in battle. The democrat – the progressive – the atheist – the Marxist – the secular humanist – these are moral-ethical-traitors, these are the demonic among us – these are to be shunned and ostracized as they are worthy of confinement in Federal prison, state mental institutions, deportation, exiled away from our children, our most innocent, our families.

Why is another Civil War necessary for America’s survival?

Subsequent John Dewey (Circa 1880), the “father of modern education,” the demonically rooted ideology of Progressivism initiated its slithering path and satanic agenda into the hearts and minds of America’s public school students. The Progressive (Marxist – Fabian socialist) objective was to eradicate individualism and the cohesiveness of American Patriotism while methodically brainwashing America’s youth to assimilate with a Marxist agenda, a society of Fabian style bourgeoisie “elite” assuming complete control over all means of production/distribution of goods and services allocated to a society of governmental dependent proletariat…the eradication of America’s middle class, a replacement ideology that is manifesting itself with Biden’s current open-borders policies. 

America’s Christian-Patriotic heritage, at the onslaught of Dewey’s agenda, was of such fervor subsequent the Civil War that incrementalism through instruction in Fabian Marx-light and ultimately Darwin’s atheism eventually morphed two-three generations of American youth into vile, loathsome, disrespectful, arrogant, un-American, atheists and secular humanists…these generations are extant in the American socioscape today, in our universities, in tech-social media, local-state-federal government and more than adequately represented by the demonic misfits in this debate forum.

The overwhelming majority of atheists-secular humanists-progressives-Marxists-Darwinist’ cannot be reasoned with, their irreversible brainwashing-psychological deficit being untenable and destructive to American patriotism-Christianity-meritocracy-capitalism that these misfits, these enemies of the State, these vile and nasty sexual perverts, these who desire the murder of babies in the womb for convenience, these who hate Jesus and Christianity which are the foundations for American success and sustainability; these enemies must be deported or eradicated via another civil war. 

The atheist-Marxist-secular humanist-abortionist-LGBTQ pervert cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be reeducated, they cannot be taught to love America or Christianity nor can they be convinced to pursue sustainable mores, norms, values…these must be rounded up like the enemies of America that they are, imprisoned, deported or excised back to the societal closet of shame; perhaps, challenged and defeated like a metastasizing malignancy in another “authorized” “legitimately declared” civil war much like the war between the vile Democrats and the Patriotic Republicans of 1861-1865.

Those who hate America and Christian values and meritocracy and life in the womb and morality have no home in America…they must become extinct through force if necessary or America will continue to die in Progressive immoral filth. The confused “do-gooder” void discernment has NO home in America.

Without Jesus as King, America has no Hope.

Reason #11 relevant to WHY Atheism is Killing America…

See: “10-Reasons why Atheism is Killing America” https://rickeyholtsclaw.com/2019/02/21/why-atheism-is-killing-america/

@Putin challenged me to provide an eleventh-reason why Atheism is killing America; this, in addition to the ten-reasons articulated in a Debate Premise published on 3/09/24 in this DebateIsland forum that teams with representatives of Satan i.e., the vile atheist…

Reason#11 why Liberalism-Progressivism-Atheism are destroying America is the do-gooder virtue signaling LEFT’s warped understanding of human nature as the atheist denies the Biblical sin-nature of humanity (Romans 5:12) and erroneously, foolishly, believes that human nature is basically “good” and all that is required for that “goodness” to manifest in reality is the provision of Maslow’s needs made readily accessible…an ingratiating environment conducive to human realization of nirvana and then there would be World peace and interpersonal relationships of love, joy, fulfillment….these are the thoughts of a demonic fool and we see them played-out in real time via our current war on police; war on jurisprudence-bail-confinement-do the crime do the time…the decriminalization of theft, drugs, forms of assault…BLM, ANTIFA….the atheist is a boil on the butt of America. 

12 Therefore, just as through one man sin entered into the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men, because all sinned— 13 for until the Law sin was in the world, but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam until Moses, even over those who had not sinned in the likeness of the offense of Adam, who is a type of Him who was to come. 15 But the free gift is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many.

What are the “religious tenets” of the “faith” of Atheism?

There exists NO religion, secular or theological, that requires greater faith from its adherents than the religion of Atheism. 

Consider this: The Atheist must believe that nothing produces everything, non-life produces life, randomness produces fine-tuning, chaos produces information, unconsciousness produces consciousness, and non-reason produces reason and “In the beginning” there was NOTHING that exploded and from this chaos emanated design, logic, reason, purpose, morality, LIFE – the complex human genome.

With that said, what are the defining religious “tenets” of Atheism?

1) Faith – belief that nothing created something.

2) Infanticide – seeing that life is the product of a primordial soup that arose from the abyss, life has no intrinsic value therefore narcissism is god, sensual pleasure is the epitome of existence and reality; therefore, anything or anyone that is an encumbrance to one’s narcissistic desires is easily remedied by death of the “obstruction.” In Atheism, children are a byproduct of sensuality; therefore, expendable through death and a simple flush of the toilet.

3) Lesbianism – Gayness – Bisexuality – Transsexualism – Queerdom // Seeing that objective morality is an irrelevant construct of man’s theological religions, the secular religion of Atheism strictly adheres to “moral relativism;” therefore, the human body is a social experiment for pleasuring sexually and the epitome of the “human experience” is one’s sexuality and the freedom to express same void societal limitations…to Hell with societal morality – long live the sexual genitalia as icons of godly pleasure. 

4) Moral Relativism – “If it feels good – do it” – after all – It’s your life baby…enjoy it.

5) Darwinism – Evolutionary Theory – a lesser god in Atheism from which all things find purpose in origin. Nothing created Something that exploded and provided Meaning; therefore, Charles Darwin and Richard Dawkins are atheistic deity.

In conclusion:

Atheism is a religion of the demonic – an all encompassing destructive entity in any society seeking sustainable mores, norms, values, a healthy and productive foundation for a future posterity. Atheism has no place in American society based upon the precepts of a Constitutional Republic that was founded upon the precepts of Christianity. Atheism and its parishioners are to be feared and shunned and ostracized from a society if that society is to have any hope of sustainability. 

Atheism does NOT exist in reality; why is the deception promulgated among the aberrant?

Atheism does not exist in reality; why is the deception promulgated among the aberrant?

“The atheist can’t find God for the same reason that a thief can’t find a police officer.” Author unknown

There are no “facts” or “logic” relevant to Atheism as Atheism is a religion of fools as per the Holy Spirit (Psalm 14:1); Atheism is a religion and its tenets are arrogance and narcissism defending aberrant sin and a death-style culminating in eternal nihilism. Atheism’s “god” is Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Christianity looks at the World from a Biblical perspective and the Bible simply aligns with what we see in nature and life around us. The Scriptures explain everything relevant concerning our creation and our existence within it while atheism explains NOTHING but provides only obfuscation for a debased and sinful life of addiction to narcissism and hedonism.

In its most basic assertions, the Bible tells you that we are the product of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, Designer and all that we see in nature and in the Heavens lends credence to this assertion; this, while the confounded and disturbed atheist has NO explanation for creation or how or why; therefore, Atheism truly does not exist…it is an illogical form of escapism, nihilism, that under girds a life of aberrant lust and destructive desires and narcissism unrestrained which inevitably culminates in a death defined by nihilism. Atheism is demonically rooted escapism from reality placating a seared, defiled, conscience.

Atheism is demonic deception in its genesis; Atheism is the illogical based in nihilism asserting ignorance. There are no true Atheists lest the one claiming same is mentally incompetent and completely unable to discern the World around him/her/he-she-his. The Atheist cannot truly say that a Designer – a Creator does not exist but they can only wish that He did not exist as they have NO OTHER PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION concerning the supernatural World around us and its origin. You can say you don’t “believe” but you cannot say in the affirmative via evidence that there is no God because you don’t KNOW and you possess no relevant counter argument that negates the reality of God or explains the reality around us that is supernatural, present clearly by design; thus, mandating a Designer.

Atheists live a life of self-deceit – wilful lies that placates a seared conscience (Romans 1:18-32).

If Christians are not obligated to Sinai – is murder OK in the New Covenant?

If Christians are not obligated to Sinai-the Law Covenant (Romans 6:14; 2 Corinthians 3), is it permissible to murder in the New Covenant?


No…murder has been prohibited from Day-6 of Creation forward concerning humanity; this, via the spiritual law written upon the heart by Elohim (Romans 2:14-15; 8:2) as humanity is created in the spiritual image of Elohim possessing certain divine communicable attributes of Elohim; this, for His eschatological purposes going forward (Genesis 1:26-28). The spiritual law written upon the heart has been an arbiter of free will subsequent the creation of the angels and Jesus reiterated murder as prohibited conduct in His New Covenant ministry and Jesus added mens rea (the thought life) as enhanced culpability (Matthew 5:21-22).

Sinai is nothing but a fragmented reiteration of the comprehensive spiritual law and Sinai was given specifically to Israel’s children for sanctification and eschatological purposes going forward; primarily, to thwart Israel’s compromise with Baal and Molech which would have stymied Israel’s ordination as progenitors of the Messiah, the Gospel, the Great Commission; Sinai was Elohim’s attempt to prevent a repeat of the failures of the Adamic/Noahic generations who rejected their divine ordination via a compromise with the demonic (Genesis 6:5).

Sinai, Torah, Moses, are elements of a bygone covenant that Israel broke, rejected, failed (Hebrews 8:7).

Christians are NOT under the old Law Covenant (Romans 6:14) but they live by the Spirit and the Spirit produces divine fruit through them via daily sanctification; divine fruit that fulfills all law as the Father is glorified by that fruit (Galatians 5:16-23; John 15:9). Different covenants, vastly different implementation of law and obedience. It’s past time that Christians understand their place in the New Covenant and STOP compromising their faith by an alliance with the old (2 Corinthians 3:6).