Tag Archives: Elohim

“Choose this day whom you will serve.” Joshua 24:15 A “choice” that defines the purpose for the Creation Narrative and Elohim’s eschatological will and His purposes for Time and Eternity…

Choose this day whom you will serve.” Joshua 24:15 A “choice” that defines the purpose for the Creation Narrative and Elohim’s eschatological will and His purposes for Time and Eternity…

Joshua’s utterance via the Holy Spirit is central to all things concerning the Genesis Narrative and the purposes surrounding Day-6 (the human genome); futhermore, Joshua’s utterance is central to the presence of Satan in Eden; the Adamic compromise with evil; the declaration of war between Elohim and Satan in Genesis 3:15; the introduction of a divine battle strategy known as “The Gospel” in Genesis 3:21 which was ordained “before Time began” (2 Timothy 1:8-10); the demonic compromise of the Adamic and Noahic generations and their judgment unto death via water save eight (Genesis 6:5); the necessity for Noah; Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Sinai-Moses, Messiah; the defeat of Satan’s works by Messiah at Golgotha (1 John 3:8b); the introduction of the New Covenant established in Messiah’s blood (Luke 22:20) and represented by Christianity; the subsequent rise of Islam and Islam’s false deity “Allah” who is Satan masquerading as an angel of light via the Arabic moon god (2 Corinthians 11:14); worldwide hatred and loathing for Jacob’s children; the re-establishment of the Israeli State in 1948 subsequent Satan’s attempt to completely annihilate Jacob’s children via the Holocaust; the advent of the “nuclear age;” the “progressive” fall of the United States via demonic compromise politically-ethically-morally; the rise of an unholy alliance between Russia-China-Iran/Islam as foretold by the prophets; the relocation of Israel’s Capital from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and Jerusalem as the obsessive focus of Satan’s allies; the rise in Worldwide antisemitism; the current unrest in the Middle East emboldened by nuclear threats; the coming Tribulation period which is 3.5-years of unfathomable nuclear conflict involving the entire World but primarily focused upon and targeting Jerusalem, Israel; Messiah’s 2nd-Advent to Mount Olivet with victory over Israel’s enemies; the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom; the final battle between good and evil initiated at the culmination of Messiah’s Millennial Reign in conjunction with Satan’s freedom from bondage; the Judgment of Satan; the Judgment of unfaithful humanity; the destruction of the Heavens and the Earth by fire; the presence of a New Earth and a New Heaven and the Holy City, the New Jerusalem; resurrected faithful humanity serving a resurrected Jesus as Messiah and King, forever.

Whom will you serve? The only relevant question in life…

Our existence upon this temporary Earth is due a spiritual war initiated by Satan in the Kingdom of Elohim and this Earth, this temporary Universe, were created in direct response to that Kingdom War; this temporary Earth is nothing more than a temporary “battle ground” as Elohim removed the destruction of war from His Kingdom and placed same here to be dealt with partially constrained by Time and physics; this, apart from the Kingdom where nothing impure is permitted to exist (Revelation 21:27).

Humanity plays an integral eschatological role in this spiritual war that rages around us and through us daily and the most relevant decision a man or woman will make in their life is “whom will you serve?” – will you freely choose to serve Elohim by faith in the Son, Jesus our Messiah (John 3:16) or will you choose to serve Satan (John 8:44) in rejection of Elohim’s plea to “choose life” in His Son (Deuteronomy 30:19)?

If you choose Jesus by faith (John 3), you will be victorious as Jesus is King and the battle is His in victory, eternally (Revelation 5:5) – or – you can choose servitude to Satan in rebellion to Elohim’s will for your life (John 6:29; 1 Timothy 2:4) and reap the sorrows of defeat and shame in Hell (Revelation 20:10-15). The choice is yours to make; therefore, “Choose this day whom you will serve.”

Servitude to our Creator or Servitude to the created: the choice is yours…

Servitude to our Creator, Elohim (Genesis 1:1) or Servitude to that which is created (John 8:44; Romans 1:25-26), your free will choice…

Concerning the atheist/secular humanist/religionist,

All life, including yours, falls under the divine sovereignty of our Creator, Elohim (Genesis 1:1) and He is free to do with life, including yours, as He pleases; this, for His eschatological purposes going forward as the war between your father, Satan (John 8:44), and Elohim progresses along a planned eschatological timeline to a foreordained conclusion where victory belongs to Messiah Jesus and those who endure with Him through faith (Revelation 5:5).

Elohim is NOT bound by due process, man’s perceived “rights” nor is Elohim encumbered by any obligations to you or the angels; again, Elohim is divinely sovereign and the only hope humanity has for survival in this life and in the life to come is in the divine attribute of LOVE that defines our Creator’s Divinity (1 John 4:8).

You possess the free will option to humble yourself and come to terms with your helpless and lowly position in this life constrained by Time and physics and consequently seek the wisdom and discernment and intercession of our Creator by faith in Jesus and find life and victory therein or you can continue in your servitude to Satan and you will perish like the billions, including babies, that succumbed to the perils of a spiritual war, a war of infinitely greater magnitude than your atheistically impotent 3-pound brain can comprehend; again, the choice is yours, seek Elohim in Jesus as your Messiah by faith and LIVE eternally with understanding and purpose (John 3) or kick against goads in self-righteous atheistic spiritual ignorance and arrogance and perish in Hell with the “many” (Matthew 7:13-14)…the free will choice is YOURS!

Concerning the facade of the atheist/secular humanist/religionist who is aghast at the death of millions of babies in the Biblical record that Elohim took-back unto Himself due His sovereign authority; these children, as are the mentally handicapped/cognitively impaired, are eternally secure in Elohim as He chooses to not hold accountable those absent the ability to fully cognitively comprehend His will and His authority over their individual lives (Romans 5:13; 4:15; Matthew 19:14) with that said, if you possess the cognitive acuity to read and understand what has been written in this brief statement, you are wholly liable and accountable to our Holy and Righteous Creator and His sovereign will and authority over YOUR life and it is wholly irrelevant what you think about it or your opinions concerning the matter (Romans 1:18-32).

Why did Elohim create humanity knowing the propensity for compromise with sin via free will?

Why did Elohim create humanity knowing the propensity for compromise with sin via free will?

Because the creation narrative is infinitely more profound than most understand as the creation narrative concerns a response to an unfathomable coup/rebellion that manifest in the Kingdom of Elohim before Time was created and our temporary Earth, Time, the human genome created in response to that spiritual war between Elohim and Satan and this temporary Realm of Time is nothing more than a temporary repository or battle ground as Elohim removed the destruction of war from His Kingdom and placed that war here to deal with it apart from the Kingdom where nothing impure is permitted to exist (Rev 21:27).

Humanity is but a temporary player in this spiritual war between good v. evil through which the Gospel of Grace has been used to defeat Satan at Golgotha via the selfless love of Elohim in Messiah Jesus; in fact, the primary reason Messiah Jesus entered Time was “to destroy the works of the devil.” You and I possess the free will to choose an alliance with Elohim or Satan…our eternal destiny is contingent upon whom we ally with. I choose victory in Jesus (Revelation 5:5).

How did Elohim turn the demonically rooted horror of the Jewish Holocaust into VICTORY?

How did Elohim turn the demonically rooted horror of the Jewish Holocaust into victory?

Elohim allowed Satan and Islam via Hitler to seek Satan’s objective of eradicating the Jewish population, the children of Jacob currently under Judgment for the rejection and murder of Messiah, with the motive of making Elohim a liar concerning His unconditional promises to Abraham, the Land of Israel, the Messiah’s Millennial Kingdom and ultimately the relegation of Satan in Hell, forever (Revelation 20:10)…but…Elohim, in His omnipotence, worked through the strategy of Satan and Islam and Hitler (The Final Solution) to allow the initiation of the Balfour Declaration in conjunction with the “Never Again” movement which ultimately led to the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1948 which reset Elohim’s eschatological time-clock and countdown to the Tribulation and the initiation of the Millennial Kingdom with its headquarters in Jerusalem, Israel. Elohim’s omnipotence is unfathomable and His ways beyond finding out. I trust Him fully and He alone is glorified, holy, worthy.

Prayer – Elohim’s Promises – Jewish Holocaust – What Happened?

Prayer – Elohim’s Promises – the Jewish Holocaust – What happened?

Atheists, religionists, cults, sects, who obviously don’t know our Creator or His will blaspheme our Creator for failing to answer prayer; this is especially relevant concerning Jews-Israelite’s and the Holocaust…what happened?

The Jewish/Israeli people are under Judgment…they were gifted as the apple of Elohim’s eye (Zechariah 2:8) and blessed, protected, sustained, sanctified, as Elohim’s chosen but they opted to reject their Messiah sent specifically to them (Matthew 15:24); the Jews falsely accused their Messiah of blasphemy; they had Him scourged beyond recognition and ultimately murdered upon a tree via suffocation while simultaneously demanding that Messiah’s blood be upon them and their children (Matthew 27:25); this, while rejecting the Gospel and their ordination as ministers of the Great Commission; for these reasons, Israel’s children are presently under Judgment and will remain so until the fullness of the Gentiles have entered the Kingdom (Romans 11:25) and as a result of Israel’s unfaithfulness, only a mere “remnant” of Israel’s children will escape the “second death” in Hell (Isaiah 10:22; Romans 9:27) and that saved “remnant” primarily consists of those who endure the Tribulation era having been proselytized by the 144,000 sanctified Jewish witnesses, representatives of the 12-Tribes, spoken of in Jesus’ Revelation through John, Chapter 7.

Concerning those Jews who suffered the Holocaust, their prayers; understand this, let it be known that Elohim only hears the prayers of those who belong to Him through Covenant promise and the prayers of atheists, agnostics, religionists, cults, sects, are not heard or entertained by Elohim lest that prayer is one seeking repentance and New Covenant relationship by faith in the Son, Jesus Christ, which establishes intimate relationship with the Father and is sealed and guaranteed by the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 9:31; Ephesians 1:13-14). Unless one is in the family of Elohim by faith in Jesus as Messiah, they belong to Satan, their prayers are impotent and their lives nihilistic having no significance presently or eschatologically.

Christianity and Prayer – unanswered?

Concerning Christians who have allegedly not had their prayers answered, this is a false premise. Elohim answers every prayer with either Yes, No, Wait. Elohim is not a sky-daddy guru eagerly awaiting, obligated, to the beckoning of sinful humanity. Additionally, there is no evidence that these allegedly spurned “Christians” were truly Christians. The World is replete with men and women who profess to be Christians but they are servants of the World, they’ve never entered into covenant relationship with the Father by faith in the Son, Jesus Christ…these are as theologically useless, perhaps more so, as a demonically controlled atheist concerning furthering the eschatological will of our Creator in Time.

31 We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him. John 9:31 (ESV).

Did Elohim foreordain Atheism, rejection of Jesus as Messiah?

Did Elohim foreordain – predestine the Atheist to reject Him in Jesus Christ?

Romans 8:29: For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.”

Christian Response…

Romans 8:29 tells you that Elohim foreknew you and predestined you to conform to the image of Jesus Christ via the imputation by faith but you chose to conform to the image of Elohim’s nemesis, Satan.

Consider this as it is most relevant, a case in point…

Elohim also foreknew and foreordained Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, as the Patriarchy of a people Elohim called “the apple of my eye” (Zechariah 2:8) and Elohim lavished them with His covenants and provisions and protection and sustenance as they were to be the progenitors of His Messiah through Judah; Messiah Yeshua came directly, specifically, to Israel’s children (Matthew 15:24) to proselytize them in the New Covenant’s Gospel and prepare them as ministers of the Gospel to the entire World via the Great Commission; this, in fulfillment of Elohim’s promise to Abraham (Genesis 12:3b); unfortunately, Israel’s children (like you and other atheists in this forum) rejected their Messiah; Israel’s children rejected the New Covenant and the Gospel; Israel’s children via free will rejected their ordination as ministers of the Great Commission; Israel’s children conspired with Rome to murder their Messiah upon a tree while exclaiming that Messiah’s blood be upon them and their children (Matthew 27:25); therefore, Elohim in Jesus was broken and crushed due their rejection (Matthew 23:37) and ultimately the Gospel and the Great Commission were taken from Israel and given to the Gentile; this, until the fullness of the Gentiles have entered the Kingdom (Romans 11:25; Acts 13:46) and Israel has subsequently, consequently, been placed under judgment and only a “remnant” of Israel’s children will escape the “second death” in Hell due their unbelief and their blindness (Isaiah 10:22; Romans 9:27); therefore, even though Elohim poured Himself and His divine codified laws and covenants into Israel’s children, it was their rejection, their unbelief, their stubbornness, that overrode Elohim’s divine will and ordination of Israel’s children…you are no different…you have been given Jesus as Mediator for your sin by faith yet you err in wisdom and judgment and discernment exactly like Israel’s children, to this very day.

Concerning Children who die in body and Culpability before Elohim…

Concerning “Children” who pass into Eternity via death of the body – are they secure in Elohim?


Children who pass into Eternity before having attained an age of reason sufficient to discern right from wrong, good from evil, lacking the cognitive ability to discern our Creator’s sovereignty over their life, these are secure in Jesus as “where there is no law, there is no sin” (Romans 4:15; 5:13); in other words, if one lacks the cognitive maturity or ability to discern the consequences of the law, they are not culpable before Elohim. This same eternal security extends to the mentally deficient, handicapped, as Elohim’s compassion finds no culpability in those unable to discern His spiritual law written upon the heart.

This same truism extends to man’s criminal and civil laws as adjudicatory standards categorize “juvenile law” as wholly distinct from laws that pertain to adults. Man’s law also considers mental illness, contingent upon severity, as an affirmative “defense to prosecution.”

Jesus confirms the eternal security of children in Matthew 19:14 as Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to the child and that unless we humble ourselves and come to the Father as a little child by faith, we will not enter the Kingdom (Matthew 18:4).

Also, King David made an interesting confession subsequent the death of his infant son. David testified that the child would not return to him but that he would go to the child upon death of his body indicating David’s knowledge through the Holy Spirit that the child was in the presence of Elohim and when David exhaled his last, he would be with his son in the Kingdom (2 Samuel 12:19-23).

It is interesting to note that in Numbers 14:29, Elohim warned the unfaithful of Israel that those 20-years of age and older, according to the census, would perish in the wilderness due their unfaithfulness. We do NOT know what the “age of accountability” is for our youth today but the Father knows the cognitive ability of each, He alone discerns this and judges accordingly.

Elohim warned,

28 So tell them: As surely as I live, declares the LORD, I will do to you exactly as I heard you say. 29 Your bodies will fall in this wilderness— all who were numbered in the census, everyone twenty years of age or older— because you have grumbled against Me. 30 Surely none of you will enter the land in which I swore to settle you, except Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.… (Numbers 14).

Why did Elohim Create the Heavens, the Earth? A brief explanation…

Why did Elohim create the Heavens and the Earth? A brief explanation…

Why did Elohim create the Heavens and the Earth?

When students of Scripture and history reflect upon the wars and death and suffering and calamity that manifests throughout the Torah and subsequently to this very day, they wonder why a loving and compassionate Creator would permit such chaos. What most do NOT understand is the causation and purposes under girding our creation and this temporary Realm of Time constrained by physics.

You and I are in this cosmic vacuum due to an unfathomable war that was initiated in the Kingdom of Elohim before Time was created and all that we perceive with our senses and beyond is the resultant of that war and Elohim’s endeavor to restore order and peace to His Kingdom while simultaneously maintaining volitional love with His angelic creation; an angelic creation that Elohim loves and cherishes beyond human comprehension.

It is critical to understanding causation for the creation narrative that the previous 6000-years of horror are a bulwark against future rebellion in the Kingdom where free will exists by necessity; this, as Elohim is allowing the evil introduced by a rebellious anointed cherub angel to play-out within the constraints of Time and physics for all to see and the conclusion of the matter will be that obedience and loyalty to Elohim and His sovereignty is the only sustainable path to a life (both spiritual and physical) worth living and that rebellion, selfishness, covetousness, self-righteousness, are unsustainable pathways to horror, sorrow, death, nihilism.

All that we confront with our senses in this temporary life within a temporary World and Heaven is an eschatological bulwark against future rebellion in the Kingdom where free will remains extant by necessity concerning intimacy with Elohim. The primary reason Messiah Jesus entered the Realm of Time was to defeat, destroy, the works of that rebellious anointed cherub and the one-third of the angelic creation that followed him in the Great Kingdom War (1 John 3:8b); this, with the precarious strategy of maintaining volitional love with His cherished angelic creation.


Elohim explains causation, reasoning, for the creation narrative from the Genesis to the Revelation; in fact, we see the introduction of the major players, the war, the battle strategy, introduced within the first-three chapters of the Genesis narrative.

— In Genesis 1:1, “Elohim” introduces Himself via a plural noun with a singular verb.

— In Genesis 1:2, The Holy Spirit introduces Himself as the Logistical Overseer of all things created.

— In Genesis 1:26-28, we see the collaboration of Elohim as “Us” and “Our” – Father-Son-Spirit creating the complex human genome in the spiritual image of Elohim thereby imparting certain divine communicable attributes into the human genome specifically for Elohim’s eschatological purposes going forward.

— In Genesis 3, we’re introduced to the rebellious cherub angel that initiated the Kingdom War and that angel has been extricated from the Kingdom and placed partially within the constraints of Time and physics and allowed access to human kind (Ezekiel 28:11+); this, as Jesus tells us that He watched Satan fall from Heaven like lightening (Luke 10:18).

— In Genesis 3:15, we see the declaration of war between Satan and Jesus (Jesus, born of the virgin seed of the woman to circumvent the Adamic sin-nature) and the prophecy that Messiah would be victorious over Satan as crushing the head of Satan but that Jesus would not be unscathed but receive a “bruised heal”…a death suffered on the Cross.

— In Genesis 3:21, we see the divine battle strategy, the Gospel, that Elohim would employ to defeat the works of the Devil (death-Hell-the grave) through the imputation of righteousness, a gifting of righteousness that Elohim, Himself, would provide via the shedding of innocent blood to clothe sinful humanity in an imputed “robe of righteousness” that mankind could not earn, did not deserve; this, as Elohim rejected the works of mankind to cover his own sin and shame by the works of his hands exemplified by the “fig leaves” Adam used to cover his own shame and nakedness. This is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which was ordained “before Time began” (2 Timothy 1:8-10).


From the Genesis forward, we see Elohim’s eschatological plan working through and around human kind’s free will choices; this, through the Adamic and Noahic generations, through Noah, Shem, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Messiah…this eschatological plan can be followed through the Scriptures as the Holy Spirit methodically explains the who, what, where, when, why, how, concerning the Realm of Time, our purpose within it, and the closure of Time and physics, the New Heaven and the New Earth, the New Jerusalem. All one must do is possess a heart that is willing to receive and believe and seek and study via our Divine Teacher, the precious indwelling Holy Spirit given to all who “believe” Jesus is Messiah (Ephesians 1:13-14; 1 John 2:27).

God’s Immutability v. Free will of Humanity

In response to the evidence of dramatic, eternal, differences between the Old Covenant v. New Covenant priorities, someone said “God does not change” suggesting the Old remains valid irrespective of the New. What is the truth?

Christian response,

Elohim’s attributes are immutable (Malachi 3:6) but His eschatological will and His plan for humanity is directly subject to free will infused within the Human Genome on Day-6 as human kind is created in the spiritual image of Elohim possessing certain divine communicable attributes of Elohim, free will being one such communicable attribute (Genesis 1:26-28).

The codified law, a central theme of the Old Covenant (Sinai – Moses), was NEVER intended to be a path to righteousness (a right standing) with Elohim but was given Israel for sanctification-eschatological purposes; ultimately, the codified law, concerning Sinai and Moses, has become a tutor to point Israel to their need for Messiah (Galatians 3:24); this, while the Gospel of Messiah (The New Covenant) that provides eternal life through Messiah’s blood atonement via faith was ordained “before Time began” (2 Timothy 1:8-10; Genesis 3:21) and that Gospel is the battle strategy foreordained “to destroy the works of the devil” via Messiah (1 John 3:8b; Genesis 3:15).

Elohim’s immutable divine attributes have not changed but Elohim has adapted His immutable eschatological plan in accordance with free will given humanity and where the Adamic/Noahic generations failed (Romans 1:18-32); where Israel failed (Matthew 27:25), the Gentile was ordained to carry-on concerning the New Covenant (Romans 11:25). Elohim, in His divine omnipotence, is perfectly capable of working through and around sinful humanity’s free will choices to accomplish His divine eschatological will.

Elohim’s eschatological plan and His immutable will concerning the Tribulation – the Millennial Kingdom – the Judgment of Satan and the rebellious angels – the Judgment of rebellious humanity – the purification of this Earth by fire – the creation of a New Heaven and New Earth – the divine placement of the New Jerusalem and the servitude of the redeemed resurrected in Jesus…these are foreordained and they will come to pass irrespective of mankind’s free will and human kind’s decisions made in accordance with the Adamic sin-nature.

Can New Covenant relationship with God be motivated through a fear of Hell?

Can New Covenant relationship with Elohim be motivated through a fear of Hell and a perception of Elohim as a God of anger and retribution?


Those who seek to love our Creator and desire intimacy with Him, knowledge of Him, are not motivated by a fear of Hell but a desire to know and honor the One who gave them life and they seek knowledge of the who, what, where, when, why, how, concerning this temporary life constrained by a temporary Realm of Time and physics.

Personally, I was not motivated to honor Elohim in response to fear but in response to Truth that was absorbed during my first thorough reading of the New Testament approximately 33-years ago; in fact, approximately one-half way through the New Testament I looked up from the pages of Scriptures and asked “Where has this (Scriptural Truth) been all my life?” Hell was NOT on the radar or in the thought process…but an all-encompassing love and assurance resonated from the pages of Scripture and I could do NOTHING but respond in the affirmative to the Holy Spirit’s call upon my life…I BELIEVED what I had read and a change of heart immediately manifest!

In my humble opinion,

I don’t think a true intimate relationship with Elohim can manifest with purity and authenticity if FEAR is the motive for that relationship; this truism exists within human nature as well as true love and intimacy cannot exist in an atmosphere of fear or coercion; therefore, the one who sincerely enters into New Covenant relationship with the Father through faith in the Son is one motivated by love and awe and joy in knowing the One who is Causation for life, the Elohim who possesses the knowledge of why we exist, how we exist, our purpose in this life and in the life to come; therefore, it is “divine relationship” initiated through knowledge and love that inspires “New Covenant relationship” and not fear. It is through the mysteries of nature (Romans 1:20) and internalizing the Word of Elohim with a heart willing to receive that initiates New Covenant relationship with the Father; this, by believing what the Father has said concerning the Son, a testimony provided by the Holy Spirit that is responded to in the affirmative out of love, trust, assurance through faith (Romans 10:17).