How did Elohim turn the demonically rooted horror of the Jewish Holocaust into VICTORY?

How did Elohim turn the demonically rooted horror of the Jewish Holocaust into victory?

Elohim allowed Satan and Islam via Hitler to seek Satan’s objective of eradicating the Jewish population, the children of Jacob currently under Judgment for the rejection and murder of Messiah, with the motive of making Elohim a liar concerning His unconditional promises to Abraham, the Land of Israel, the Messiah’s Millennial Kingdom and ultimately the relegation of Satan in Hell, forever (Revelation 20:10)…but…Elohim, in His omnipotence, worked through the strategy of Satan and Islam and Hitler (The Final Solution) to allow the initiation of the Balfour Declaration in conjunction with the “Never Again” movement which ultimately led to the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1948 which reset Elohim’s eschatological time-clock and countdown to the Tribulation and the initiation of the Millennial Kingdom with its headquarters in Jerusalem, Israel. Elohim’s omnipotence is unfathomable and His ways beyond finding out. I trust Him fully and He alone is glorified, holy, worthy.

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