Atheist: Why not simply prove the absence of our Creator?

Atheist – Secular Humanist, why not simply employ “naturalism” and prove the absence of a Creator and let’s rid ourselves of “religion” and the much-despised Christianity and the Church?

Commonsense, void a crippling obsession with satiating one’s penis or vulva in aberrant pleasure, tells us that the supernatural Universe which encompasses us, permeates us, 24/7/365 possesses the divine earmarks of “design” and purpose – and – commonsense uninterrupted by the proclivities of self-righteousness, arrogance, hedonism, narcissism e.g., atheism/secular humanism tells us that this unfathomable “design” must be under girded by an omnipotent Designer who is most probably existing outside the constraints of Time and physics; therefore, commonsense tells us that if a Designer exists and the complexity of that design (the human genome for example) most likely emanates from a supernatural design that said Designer would be remiss if He, She, It, They, did not reveal them self, themselves, to those “created” and in conjunction with that revelation provide logical reasoning for having created the supernatural “creation” that engulfs us 24/7/365.

If one is honest and they perform a diligent search for that “Creator” there exists only ONE-SOURCE where a Creator has not only identified “Himself” but He has also thoroughly explained the who, what, where, when, why, concerning His creation; that source, the “Canon of Scripture.” In fact, our Creator has told the atheist, the secular humanist, the unbeliever, that He exists and that their denial of His existence is foolish (Psalms 14:1) because He has clearly revealed Himself through what He has made in nature and placed before our eyes (Romans 1:20), a supernatural creation which cannot be duplicated by created beings constrained by Time and physics; furthermore, our Creator has entered the Realm of Time and walked among us for 33.5-years in the form of a man named Messiah Jesus and He has clearly proclaimed that Elohim is One, our Creator, and that anyone seeking peace and intimacy with Him must enter that relationship through “faith” in the Son, Jesus our Messiah who died for them as Messiah Jesus defeated the works of Satan at Golgotha (John 3; 1 John 3:8b)…our Creator exists.

If the atheist is so sure that our Creator does NOT exist, why not bring forth a valid explanation, causation, reasoning, for what confronts us daily in nature using a naturalistic explanation so that we can rid ourselves of “religion” and the much-despised Christianity and the Church and pursue moral relativism void conscience with uninhibited pleasure?

If our Creator does not exist, why not prove His, Her, Its, absence to a believing-faithful segment of the World so that their desires and efforts to constrain their behavior via conformity to sustainable morality might be proven irrelevant and let’s all pursue moral relativism because “if it feels good, do it;” after all, tomorrow we die and nihilism is our deity and life really means nothing in summation of all things?

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