Christianity v. Atheism; Conservative v. Progressive; just a simple difference in social programming?

As one who loves, adores, worships, Jesus our Messiah, Elohim the Father and Elohim the Holy Spirit, I discuss atheists, progressives, democrats, Marxists, LGBTQ perverts, abortionists and denote these as EVIL people at their core…these are those who murder babies in the womb and fight and clamor and demonstrate for the perceived “right” to mutilate babies at ANY point of gestation; these are the people who fight and clamor and pollute our society with the most vile of sexual perversion and then mandate their mental and spiritual illness be forced upon our children in public schools; sick and perverse trans drag queens humping in the face of children and demanding they chant their demonic lyrics, these arrogant sexual demons force their demonic culture upon our families, our weak church congregations and administrations…these are Marxists who hate America, our freedoms, our Christianity, they hate Israel and advocate for Islamic terrorism and terrorists…the atheist – secular humanist – democrat – progressive are a vile and demonic people who do NOT deserve the goodness America offers nor are they worthy of the sacrifices made by our fallen in battle. The democrat – the progressive – the atheist – the Marxist – the secular humanist – these are moral-ethical-traitors, these are the demonic among us – these are to be shunned and ostracized as they are worthy of confinement in Federal prison, state mental institutions, deportation, exiled away from our children, our most innocent, our families.

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