Tag Archives: San Francisco

The Work of the Devil exposed in San Francisco, USA

The work of the Devil…

…in the daily life of those who serve the god of this World (2 Corinthians 4:4) – the demonically possessed and influenced, those who reject the selfless love of Jesus Christ and His Gospel…

I’m currently in the State of Satan’s pride, California, USA, having visited Satan’s dominion, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington. Those who are absent simple, abiding faith, mock the work of Jesus our Messiah during His 3.5-year Earthly ministry as Jesus went about healing the sick, exorcising the demon possessed; the natural World laughs at the thought of demons and demonic possession yet I walk among these demon-possessed here in San Francisco, on the sidewalks of Portland. I see their work in the rapidly decaying bodies lying prostrate on the sidewalks and curbs of the inner-city; the demonic substances injected into these addicted bodies; the resulting infected sores, scabs, physiological-psychological horror and torment and destruction accompanied by human excrement on the curbs, in the drains, on the sidewalks, the deck of public transportation; the horror, the horrific results of auditory hallucinations; the torment of demonic possession unrestrained; the self-destruction of suicide; the souls bound for Hades’ torments and Hell; all of this, the victory of the Evil One, Satan’s fodder.

I encounter these very same demons of deception and destruction during theological debate with unbelieving, Hell-bound, Jews-Israelites-Islamists-Mormons-SDA-Jehovah’s Witnesses-a myriad of cults-sects-religions who reject the purity, simplicity of the Gospel as these men, women, in a state of spiritual and physiological decay, clamor and fight against the purity, the simplicity, the holiness, of the Gospel of grace and faith, grace and faith earned for us, freely offered to us, through the suffering and selfless love of Jesus our Messiah at Golgotha.

Tragically, true Christianity will progressively be subject to increasing hatred and persecution as “Progressive Wokeness,” a work of the demonic, inundates our decaying World, a dying World devolving into demonic chaos and unconscionable filth; this, much like the days of Adam and Noah (Romans 1:18-32); therefore, know your enemy, know his works, stand fast defending the Gospel and hold tightly to Jesus Christ through obedience to the precious indwelling Holy Spirit.

Ultimately, the victory belongs to Jesus our Messiah; therefore, the only alternative to Jesus is defeat and subservience to the Devil and ultimately nihilism via the “second death” in Hell (Revelation 5:5). Endure to the end.