Tag Archives: Murder in the New Covenant

If Christians are not obligated to Sinai – is murder OK in the New Covenant?

If Christians are not obligated to Sinai-the Law Covenant (Romans 6:14; 2 Corinthians 3), is it permissible to murder in the New Covenant?


No…murder has been prohibited from Day-6 of Creation forward concerning humanity; this, via the spiritual law written upon the heart by Elohim (Romans 2:14-15; 8:2) as humanity is created in the spiritual image of Elohim possessing certain divine communicable attributes of Elohim; this, for His eschatological purposes going forward (Genesis 1:26-28). The spiritual law written upon the heart has been an arbiter of free will subsequent the creation of the angels and Jesus reiterated murder as prohibited conduct in His New Covenant ministry and Jesus added mens rea (the thought life) as enhanced culpability (Matthew 5:21-22).

Sinai is nothing but a fragmented reiteration of the comprehensive spiritual law and Sinai was given specifically to Israel’s children for sanctification and eschatological purposes going forward; primarily, to thwart Israel’s compromise with Baal and Molech which would have stymied Israel’s ordination as progenitors of the Messiah, the Gospel, the Great Commission; Sinai was Elohim’s attempt to prevent a repeat of the failures of the Adamic/Noahic generations who rejected their divine ordination via a compromise with the demonic (Genesis 6:5).

Sinai, Torah, Moses, are elements of a bygone covenant that Israel broke, rejected, failed (Hebrews 8:7).

Christians are NOT under the old Law Covenant (Romans 6:14) but they live by the Spirit and the Spirit produces divine fruit through them via daily sanctification; divine fruit that fulfills all law as the Father is glorified by that fruit (Galatians 5:16-23; John 15:9). Different covenants, vastly different implementation of law and obedience. It’s past time that Christians understand their place in the New Covenant and STOP compromising their faith by an alliance with the old (2 Corinthians 3:6).