Tag Archives: Atheism does not exist

Atheism does NOT exist in reality; why is the deception promulgated among the aberrant?

Atheism does not exist in reality; why is the deception promulgated among the aberrant?

“The atheist can’t find God for the same reason that a thief can’t find a police officer.” Author unknown

There are no “facts” or “logic” relevant to Atheism as Atheism is a religion of fools as per the Holy Spirit (Psalm 14:1); Atheism is a religion and its tenets are arrogance and narcissism defending aberrant sin and a death-style culminating in eternal nihilism. Atheism’s “god” is Satan (2 Corinthians 4:4).

Christianity looks at the World from a Biblical perspective and the Bible simply aligns with what we see in nature and life around us. The Scriptures explain everything relevant concerning our creation and our existence within it while atheism explains NOTHING but provides only obfuscation for a debased and sinful life of addiction to narcissism and hedonism.

In its most basic assertions, the Bible tells you that we are the product of an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, Designer and all that we see in nature and in the Heavens lends credence to this assertion; this, while the confounded and disturbed atheist has NO explanation for creation or how or why; therefore, Atheism truly does not exist…it is an illogical form of escapism, nihilism, that under girds a life of aberrant lust and destructive desires and narcissism unrestrained which inevitably culminates in a death defined by nihilism. Atheism is demonically rooted escapism from reality placating a seared, defiled, conscience.

Atheism is demonic deception in its genesis; Atheism is the illogical based in nihilism asserting ignorance. There are no true Atheists lest the one claiming same is mentally incompetent and completely unable to discern the World around him/her/he-she-his. The Atheist cannot truly say that a Designer – a Creator does not exist but they can only wish that He did not exist as they have NO OTHER PLAUSIBLE EXPLANATION concerning the supernatural World around us and its origin. You can say you don’t “believe” but you cannot say in the affirmative via evidence that there is no God because you don’t KNOW and you possess no relevant counter argument that negates the reality of God or explains the reality around us that is supernatural, present clearly by design; thus, mandating a Designer.

Atheists live a life of self-deceit – wilful lies that placates a seared conscience (Romans 1:18-32).