Tag Archives: Jewish Holocaust

How did Elohim turn the demonically rooted horror of the Jewish Holocaust into VICTORY?

How did Elohim turn the demonically rooted horror of the Jewish Holocaust into victory?

Elohim allowed Satan and Islam via Hitler to seek Satan’s objective of eradicating the Jewish population, the children of Jacob currently under Judgment for the rejection and murder of Messiah, with the motive of making Elohim a liar concerning His unconditional promises to Abraham, the Land of Israel, the Messiah’s Millennial Kingdom and ultimately the relegation of Satan in Hell, forever (Revelation 20:10)…but…Elohim, in His omnipotence, worked through the strategy of Satan and Islam and Hitler (The Final Solution) to allow the initiation of the Balfour Declaration in conjunction with the “Never Again” movement which ultimately led to the rebirth of the Nation of Israel in 1948 which reset Elohim’s eschatological time-clock and countdown to the Tribulation and the initiation of the Millennial Kingdom with its headquarters in Jerusalem, Israel. Elohim’s omnipotence is unfathomable and His ways beyond finding out. I trust Him fully and He alone is glorified, holy, worthy.

Prayer – Elohim’s Promises – Jewish Holocaust – What Happened?

Prayer – Elohim’s Promises – the Jewish Holocaust – What happened?

Atheists, religionists, cults, sects, who obviously don’t know our Creator or His will blaspheme our Creator for failing to answer prayer; this is especially relevant concerning Jews-Israelite’s and the Holocaust…what happened?

The Jewish/Israeli people are under Judgment…they were gifted as the apple of Elohim’s eye (Zechariah 2:8) and blessed, protected, sustained, sanctified, as Elohim’s chosen but they opted to reject their Messiah sent specifically to them (Matthew 15:24); the Jews falsely accused their Messiah of blasphemy; they had Him scourged beyond recognition and ultimately murdered upon a tree via suffocation while simultaneously demanding that Messiah’s blood be upon them and their children (Matthew 27:25); this, while rejecting the Gospel and their ordination as ministers of the Great Commission; for these reasons, Israel’s children are presently under Judgment and will remain so until the fullness of the Gentiles have entered the Kingdom (Romans 11:25) and as a result of Israel’s unfaithfulness, only a mere “remnant” of Israel’s children will escape the “second death” in Hell (Isaiah 10:22; Romans 9:27) and that saved “remnant” primarily consists of those who endure the Tribulation era having been proselytized by the 144,000 sanctified Jewish witnesses, representatives of the 12-Tribes, spoken of in Jesus’ Revelation through John, Chapter 7.

Concerning those Jews who suffered the Holocaust, their prayers; understand this, let it be known that Elohim only hears the prayers of those who belong to Him through Covenant promise and the prayers of atheists, agnostics, religionists, cults, sects, are not heard or entertained by Elohim lest that prayer is one seeking repentance and New Covenant relationship by faith in the Son, Jesus Christ, which establishes intimate relationship with the Father and is sealed and guaranteed by the indwelling Holy Spirit (John 9:31; Ephesians 1:13-14). Unless one is in the family of Elohim by faith in Jesus as Messiah, they belong to Satan, their prayers are impotent and their lives nihilistic having no significance presently or eschatologically.

Christianity and Prayer – unanswered?

Concerning Christians who have allegedly not had their prayers answered, this is a false premise. Elohim answers every prayer with either Yes, No, Wait. Elohim is not a sky-daddy guru eagerly awaiting, obligated, to the beckoning of sinful humanity. Additionally, there is no evidence that these allegedly spurned “Christians” were truly Christians. The World is replete with men and women who profess to be Christians but they are servants of the World, they’ve never entered into covenant relationship with the Father by faith in the Son, Jesus Christ…these are as theologically useless, perhaps more so, as a demonically controlled atheist concerning furthering the eschatological will of our Creator in Time.

31 We know that God does not listen to sinners, but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does his will, God listens to him. John 9:31 (ESV).