Why will “science” never define the origin of matter, life?

Why will “science” never define the origin of matter, life?

The Holy Spirit tells you that all we see and interact with relevant to our senses finds its origin in the unseen Spiritual Realm; in fact, the Holy Spirit tells us that Elohim the Father commissioned the Son, Jesus our Messiah (John 3:35), for cause and to take elements from the unseen Spiritual Realm and fashion those elements into matter that can be apprehended by a life form existing within the constraints of Time and physics (Hebrews 11:3; Genesis 1; John 1; Hebrews 1; Colossians 1); therefore, irrespective of mankind’s efforts to define the origin of matter, life, our complex genome, those efforts are in vain because the origin of what we see and interact with 24/7/365 emanates from the unseen Spiritual Realm, a Realm that is infinitely more complex than the Realm of Time as the Spiritual Realm does not easily interface with a life form constrained by Time and physics; furthermore, it is Jesus that holds all things physical and spiritual together, Jesus our Messiah is the Divine Nucleoli of everything physical and spiritual (Colossians 1:17). Origin of matter is therefore beyond the parameters of the scientific method but is understood by faith in Jesus and the tutorship of the indwelling Holy Spirit (1 John 2:27).

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