Tag Archives: Iran and Israel

Concerning Israel v. Palestine and the Palestinian Sympathizers…a word of caution…

Concerning the current conflict between Israel’s IDF and Palestine’s “HAMAS” – Iran’s-Yemen’s Houthis – Lebanon’s “Hezbollah” // A response to the Palestinian sympathizers…

Israel was not “founded” in 1948…it’s been Israel’s land since Abraham…they just came “home” in response to the “Never Again” movement.

Israel is not the resultant of terrorism but of Elohim’s sovereign choice concerning His eschatological plan for Time and Eternity. Elohim’s covenant with Abraham concerning the Land of Israel was unconditional, meaning that the Land’s presence and its purposes are not contingent upon Israel’s faithfulness but upon Elohim’s sovereignty and His foreordained decision to save a “remnant” of Israel’s children through the Great Tribulation and initiate His Millennial Kingdom there where Messiah Yeshua will reign for 1000-years prior to the Judgement of Satan and the rebellious of humanity in Hell – an all consuming fire that will purify this Earth in preparation for the New Earth and a New Heaven as foundational to the New Jerusalem (Revelation 20-22).

That Jewish remnant that endures through the Tribulation era, those proselytized by the 144,000 sanctified Jewish witnesses from the 12-Tribes (Rev 7), will serve Yeshua in the Millennial Kingdom and they will believe in Yeshua and they will be the “redeemed” remnant spoken of by Isaiah, reiterated by Paul (Isaiah 10:22; Romans 9:27).

The current war between Israel’s IDF and HAMAS, Iran’s Islamic proxies, Yemen’s Houthis, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, is nothing more than a physical manifestation of the Kingdom War between Elohim v. Satan having manifest within the Realm of Time. Israel remains Elohim’s representatives in the Land given Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Islam is Satan’s representative through Allah via Muhammad via Ishmael via Hagar.

Careful that you not be found on the wrong side of History.